大三島とは?|What about Omishima?


"Setouchi shimanami kaido", consisted by eight bridges on six islands in Setouchi between Shikoku and Honshu. We are sending information on Omishima - Imabari city, Ehime pref, right in the middle of the Shimanami Kaido.

神の島、大三島|The island of "God", Omishima






"Omishima" is as known as a island of "God" from over a thousand ago.

There is one of the most important shrine in Japan, "Oyamazumi shrine", 

here has enshrined "Oyamazumi-no-kami".

The god was a child of gods "Izanagi" and "Izanami", who constructed Japanese lands in myth.

In the past, historical greats, for example "Yoshitsune Minamoto", "Hirofumi Ito" and so on, came a lot there.

They hold about 40% of national treasures and important cultural properties.

So, here still keep original scenery a lot from past far,

these are so bright in this island - blue of ocean, green of trees, color of citrus.

サイクリストの聖地|Cyclists' sanctuary


ニューヨークタイムズの 『52 Places to Go in 2019 - The New York Times (2019年に行くべき52か所)』の7番目に「瀬戸内の島々」が紹介されたことをはじめ、



Omishima is also as known as "Cyclists' sanctuary", so a lot of domestic and overseas cyclists has come these days.

Surprisingly "Setouchi islands" was introduced as 7th of "52 Places to Go in 2019" by a article of New York Times.

Moreover, since Nov 8, "SHIMANAMI KAIDO cycling road" has been designated as "National cycling route" by the Ministry of Land, Transport and Tourism,

so it will be promoted as one of Japanese representative cycling roads for the world officially!!

Here attract to all over the world now.

いま、一番おもしろい島|The most interesting island





These days, Omishima has appeared on a lot of mass medias frequently the reason why for example below;

- Unique restaurants and cafes have opened,

- Increasing in the number of farmers and farmers who are engaged in the 6th industrialization,

- The efforts of Omishima branch high school students who are said to be the busiest high school in Japan and international architect Toyo Ito...

So, here has been getting back bustle like the past.

Probably, now it is the time of the most interesting in Omishima.

Why don't you come Omishima?

Omishima Trip Guide

〒794-1402 愛媛県今治市上浦町井口6605 今治市上浦支所

TEL (0897)87-3000 FAX (0897)87-2237